MM29 -2019-07-17

Tracker Details

Tracker Type: WSPR

Model: PicoTrackerWSPR1Rev5

Powered by 2 AAA batteries


gpsLockTimeoutMs : 150000 2:30

lhAltFtThreshold : 10000

hAlt.wakeAndEvaluateMs : 180000 3:00

lAlt.wakeAndEvaluateMs : 60000 1:00

lAlt.stickyMs : 43200000 12:00:00

crystalCorrectionFactor : 75

systemClockOffsetMs : 12

Launch Parameters

Balloon and Payload

  • 36" Qualatex
  • 24.69 gram payload
  • 2.1 grams free lift



Miles traveled: 37

Flight hours: 2.75

Max Altitude feet: 20,500

Cause of death: Signals stopped

General Thoughts / Observations

This is my second WSPR flight, MM28 failed presumably because I used quarter wave antennas. This flight was to test the WSPR setup with a half wave transmitting antenna and it worked, I had success in receiving WSPR signals. After climbing and transmitting for 2 hours and 45 minutes, the balloon was not heard from again.

The WSPR aspects worked fine, why the signals stopped being heard is unknown.